Bi-directional molles sedet ferro porta CYMBALON

Short description:

Knife Gate Valve Flange type Knife gate valve JINBIN Z73X MODEL knife gate is a uni-directional lug type valve designed according to MSS-SP-81 and TAPPI-TIS 405 for industrial service applications.The design of the body and seat assures non-clogging shutoff on suspended solids in industries such as: Pulp and Paper Power plants Mining Chemical plants Wastewater Food and Beverage etc. Sizes: DN II "/ L ad DN LXXII" / MDCCC (maius diamets in petitionem) opus pressura: DN II "/ L ad IV ...

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    Cultro porta CYMBALON

    LABIUM Type ferro porta CYMBALON

    Jinbin Z73X Model Cultro porta est uni-directional Lug Type CYMBALON DESIGNIS secundum MSS-SP-LXXXI et TIPIS CDV ad Industrial Service Applications.Consilio corporis et sede assures non-clogging shutoff in suspensus solidos in industries ut:

    • Pulpam et charta
    • Power plantarum
    • MINING
    • Plantae
    • Cibo potum
    • etc.

    Sizes:DN II "/ L ad DN LXXII" / MDCCC (maius diametri in petitionem)

    Opus pressura:DN II "/ L ad XLVIII" / MCC; CL PSI (X kg / cm²)DN LVI "/ MCD ad LXXII" / MDCCC, C Psi (3kg / cm²)

    Latin Ullus Enterge:EN1092 PN10 et ANSI B16.5 (Class CL)

    JinbinCultro porta Valvulaesunt available ut per-directional mollis sedet valvae.

    Bi-directional molles sedet cultro porta Valvulae sunt disposito Solanum, on-off applications in corrosi, abrasive liquidum applications in pulpam & chartam, metalla aqua, chemical, Petrochemical, potestate et ferro. In valvae providet bulla stricta shutoff in utroque directiones usque ad plenam rating de valvae.

    Photos of Froel porta CYMBALON:

    Cultro porta CYMBALON


    Cultro porta CYMBALON

    Cultro porta CYMBALONCultro porta CYMBALON

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