Electric pulveris Gas papilio valvae

Short description:

Electric pulveris Gas papilio valvae structuram de pulveris Gas papfus valvae sit conflata cum midline papilio laminam et brevi structure ferro laminam, sic non sunt connectens virga, fulmine et alias in eo, sic non erit pars problems De usu, ita et defectum rate est valde humilis. Suus 'valde convenient ad usum. Est reliable valvae fabrica. Quia alvi inter papilio laminam et valvae corpus pulveris Gas papilio valvae est magna ...

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  • Product Detail

    Product Tags

    Electric pulveris Gas papilio valvae

    High Temperature Ventallation CYMBALON

    The structure of the dust gas butterfly valve is welded with the midline butterfly plate and short structural steel plate, so there are no connecting rod, bolt and other components in it, so there will be no component problems in the process of use, so the Defectum rate est valde humilis. Suus 'valde convenient ad usum. Est reliable valvae fabrica.

    Because the clearance between the butterfly plate and the valve body of the dust gas butterfly valve is large and there is enough expansion space, it can effectively prevent the thermal expansion and cold contraction caused by temperature changes during use, and the butterfly plate will not be adhæsit.

    Propter latum lectio materiae, hoc pulveris Gas papilio valvae etiam habet in altum temperatus resistentia, ibi erit frictioni cum foramen et claudendo, et in ministerium vitae est valde diu.

    Perficientur specientia

    Idoneus DN C - Dn4800mm
    Operantes pressura ≤0.25MPA
    Leakage Rate ≤1%
    Temp. ≤300 ℃
    Idoneam medium Gas, Flue Gas, perdere Gas
    Operatio via manus rotam

    400x fluxus imperium valvae

    No Nomen Materia
    1 Corpus Carbon Steel Q235B
    2 Pervideo Carbon Steel Q235B
    3 Caule Ss420
    4 Bracket A216 WCB
    5 Stipare Flexibile Graphite

    High Temperature Ventallation CYMBALON

    Company Information

    Tianjin Tanggu Jinbin CYMBALON, LTD Condita in MMIV, cum registered caput CXIII decies Yuan, CLVI employees, XXVIII Sales agentibus in summa, et 15,100 quadratum metris ad officia et officia. Est valvulae fabrica versantur in professional R & D, productio et Sales, a iuncturam-stirpe inceptis integrating scientiam, industria et Trade.

    In comitatu autem est 3.5m vertical Lathe, 2000mm * 4000mm odiosis et milling apparatus et alia magna processus apparatu, multi-muneris valvae perficientur testing fabrica et series perfectam testis apparatu

    津滨 II (I)



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